
Download All Icons

Standard Icons

We use the following sets as a baseline. To use them, the recommended way to use them is to inline the SVG directly into HTML. (We think the benefits of caching are small and it’s easy to adjust colors this way.)

Please note: Additions are welcome! If there’s something you would like to see, or an icon type you need, let us know! We will draw new ones as needed.


Most of our icons come from the Lucide icon set. It provides solid coverage while looking consistent in visual weight. In a few instances, we’ve modified them to have a filled style instead of an outlined style.

Download UI Icons


The topic icons used in site navigation were commissioned by Haisam Hussein.

Download Topic Icons


Lastly, here’s a consistent set of social/logo icons in both monochrome and colorful versions.

Download Social Icons

Rolling Your Own

If you need something specific for your project, we recommend looking through these other high-quality icon sets:

If you are drawing an icon, follow Lucide’s guidelines to match their style.